Oanh Nguyễn | Chat Online
30/12/2023 16:49:22

Complete the sentences with "a, an, some, any, much, many or "a lot of/ lots of’’

Complete the sentences with "a, an, some, any, much, many or "a lot of/ lots of’’.

1. I have to go to the market now. There isn’t _________ food for our dinner.

2. There are _________ trees in our village, so the air here is very fresh.

3. I’m very busy, I have _________ things to do today.

4. Here are _________ cereals, but there isn't _________ milk.

5. Would you like _________ beer or would you prefer bottle of Coke?

6. Is there _________ rice left? - I'm afraid there isn't _________ rice left, but you can have _________ noodles instead.

7. There aren't _________ bananas, but there is _________ apple and _________ grapes.

8. I want _________ jam and _________ butter for my toast.

9. Can I have _________ sausages and _________ omelette with fries on the side, please?

10. My father always has _________ biscuit and _________ cup of tea at bedtime.

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