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Read and answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VIII. Read and answer
When the early settlers, especially the British, arrived in the New World, the hardships and dangers awaiting them were
totally unexpected. Everything seemed to be so strange to them, including way of life and the weather. It was some friendly
Indians who did a lot to help the colonists; therefore, they could survive the terrible winters they had never gone through as
they were in the Old World. The colonists knew nothing about planting crops, hunting animals, building sod houses, or
making clothing from animal skins. Life in England had been much simpler, and this new life was not like what the Spanish
explorers had reported after their explorations.
The settlers did introduce iron tools, muskets for hunting, domesticated animals, and political ways to the Indians. In
exchange, the settlers learned to build canoes for water transportation and snowshoes and toboggans for winter traveling.
The Indians also taught them to blaze trails through the forest, to hunt large animals and trap smaller ones, and to spear
fish in the lakes and streams.
The natives also introduced to the settlers typical foods such as turkey, corn, squash, beans, and pumpkin. Everything
possible was done in order to make their new settlement resemble the homes they had left behind.
1. The passage is mainly about
A. the danger that people in the US have been facing.
C. early days of European people coming to the USA.
2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT
A. they hadn't thought life would be tough there.
C. they hadn't grown such crops when in Britain.
3. The early British settlers taught the Indian
A. how to make tools out of metal.
C. how to trap small animals.
4. The word "spear" can be replaced by
A. raise
B. trade
5. It can be inferred from the passage that corn and pumpkin
A. were plentiful and popular in Britain.
C. were introduced to the New World.
B. the way the Indian helped the British live in the Old World.
D. how the Indian were earning a living when the British came.
true about the early British settlers?
B. they had to adjust themselves to a new life.
D. they used to make clothing from animal skins.
6. The passage is intended to
A. warn us of awful weather in the New World.
C. provide us with some relevant information.
B. how to build canoes on waterways.
D. how to make snowshoes for winter traveling.
C. notice
D. catch
B. were strange food to the early British settlers.
C. provided more nutrients than any other crops.
B. explain why few people went to live in the New World.
D. illustrate the way the British overthrew the native Indians.
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