Gia Đức Anh | Chat Online
04/01 23:00:45

You can speak German, .......................?

1. You can speak German, .......................?

2. You couldn't do me a favor, ...................?

3. You have heard about that, _________________?

4. Nam did the work well, _____________?

5. He didn’t have to speak to me, ______________?

6. He won’t fall down, __________________?

7. You wouldn’t like the window open, _______________?

8. He used to beat his wife, ________________?

9. Come and see me tomorrow, _____________?

10. Don’t sheet the door, _________________?

11. Let’s sing together, _________________?

12. I’d better go, _______________?

13. I am your teacher, ________________?

14. There’s an examination tomorrow, ______________?

15. She’s been studying English for 2 years, _______________?

16. You can’t play tennis today, _______________?

17. Let me lend you a hand, __________________?

18. Everybody can learn how to swim, ______________?

19. He hardly feeds his family, ________________?

20. She could scarcely hear what he said, ______________?

21. She never works on Sundays, _______________?

22. They did nothing, ________________________?

23. There is no one in the house, _______________?

24. You have heard about that, … ?

25. Nam did the work well, … ?

26. He didn’t have to speak to me, …?

27. He won’t fall down, …

28. You wouldn’t like the windown open, …?

29. She used to beat his wife, … ?

30. She came very late, … ?

31. Come and see me tomorrow, … ?

32. That’s the sort of thing you would do, …?

33. You can’t play tennis today,… ?

34.  It is surely sunny today,… ?

35. Beverly will be attending the university in September,… ?

36.  I’m never called “Scholar”,… ?

37. No one has come here,…

38.  Everybody can learn how to swim,… ?

39. She never works on Sundays,… ?

40. You can speak English,… ?

41. He shouldn’t smoke,… ?

42. That job is hardly suitable for her,…?

43. They were there,… ?

44. They arrived yesterday,… ?

45. There are more countries north of the equator than south of it,…?

46. You have never been in Italy,… ?

47. You have a ticket to the game,… ?

48. He doesn’t need a furnished apartment,… ?

49. But I guess he can always rent some,… ?

50. The movers aren’t packing the books for us,…?

51. You didn’t know anyone here at first,…?

52. Sally turn in her report,… ?

53. That’s Bob’s,…?

54. No one died in the accident,… ?

55. You’re working on another screenplay now,…?

56. Speaking of kids, you have some of your own, … ?

57. That depends on what you mean by a long time,…?

58. We should call Rita,………….?

59. I’m supposed to be here,…

60. Nothing wrong,…………….?

61. You are still wanted by the police,… …?

62. We went to Stan’s holiday party last year,…….?

63. Tom and Fred hadn’t been to Florida before then,……..?

64. I’m asually right about the weather,… ….?

65. Nobody called on the phone,……..?

66. Everything are OK,…………..?

67. Everyone took the test,…………..?

68. There are a lot of people here,………..?

69. They had to go home,………….?

70. The little children were let go away,………..?

71. Mary realy goes out on Sundays,…………?

72. There is something wrong with the new car,…………./

73. That is true story,………?

74. The qualiyof these recordings is not very good,………?

75. Let’s go to the cinema tonight,……….?

76. This book isn’t very interesting,………..?

77.  Tom has never written to you,………..?

78. Mr. Brown needs to leave right now,………?

79. Everything is all right now,… ……?

80. Listen to what I am staying,…….?

81. Fruit juices and milk are healthyful drinks,……..?

82. Tom had great difficulty finding a jobs,………?

83. The police come to the side of the accident,………?

84. Ba complained about the noise,……….?

85. I am not your enemy, ……………?

86. I’m your friend…………….?

87. He was a student,…………………….?

88. You were workers,………………..?

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