Started Die wa 37. I've been through this kind of weather before, and I think we should take shelter. A. Though the weather is good, we need a roof over our heads for the night. B. Experience has taught me that in such weather, we had better look for a safe place, C. I know that the weather will get worse, and we have nowhere to take shelter. D. Since we can't do much in this weather, we should just go back into the house. 38. Regardless of Bob's opinion in this matter, I think I've done the right thing. A. I'm sure I have acted correctly in this instance, whatever Bob may think. B. I've thought about Bob's views on this issue, but I think I'll do as I want, C. Until Bob told me I was wrong, I thought I was right about this issue. D. My opinion that Bob had done the wrong thing in this case turned out to be right. 39. Though he said he would be in touch, he has neither phoned nor sent me an email. A. Both the phone and the e-mail have been out of order, so he could not contact me. B. He writes the most touching e-mail messages I have ever read, though he never phones, C. From his promise, I'd have expected a phone call or an e-mail from him, but I haven't got either. D. Nothing in either his phone messages or his e-mails has really touched upon the main point.