Nguyễn Hoàng Long | Chat Online
12/01 21:23:50

The river is heavily __________ (POLLUTE)

1. The river is heavily __________ (POLLUTE)

2. Everybody can do something to make our _____________ green. (NEIGHBOUR)

3. Could your group do a presentation on what we students can do to protect our _____________? (ENVIRONMENTAL)

4. Last night I watched a documentary about some ____________ species in Asia. (ENDANGER)

5. The factory dumps its ____________ waste right into the river without treating. (INDUSTRY)

6. The music club made so much noise that the ____________ complained to its owner. (RESIDE)

7. Are all types of pollution ____________ to the health of humans and animals? ( HARM)

8. The _____________ are concerned about the oil spills in the East Sea. (ENVIRONMENT)

9. If we use water _____________ , more people will have fresh water. (CARE)

10. You should never buy___________ made from endangered animals. ( PRODUCE)

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