Nguyễn Hoàng Long | Chat Online
12/01 21:32:46

Điền từ đã cho vào chỗ trống

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
11. We all need to do our part to
12. Try to
the planet.
foods which contain a lot of fat.
the television before you go to bed.
14. The factory had
15. By
16. They will require car makers to
17. I
18. The volunteers tried to
a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.
the 3 Rs, we can save resources for the future, and reduce the amount of waste.
emissions of carbon dioxide by 30%.
to help clean up the beach last week.
19. The campaign has succeeded in
20. Schools
litter on the rivers.
turn off
pick up
public awareness of the issue.
an important role in society.
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