Quyen Nguyen | Chat Online
17/01 19:52:13

Fill each blank with a, an, some, or any

Fill each blank
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Quantifiers: review
1 Fill each blank with a, an, some, or any.
Tom: Nina, you're drinking (1)
Nina: Yes, (2)
crisps. That's my favourite.
lina: Why is it bad?
glass of Coke and (3)
Tom: Don't you know that is a very bad way to
start your day?
na: Such as?
Breakfast is the first meal of the day, so it's
very important to eat nutritious things.
cola for
m: If you can't cook (4)
Then eat (7)
bowl of cereal and (6).
a: But there isn't (8)
: Go out and buy (9)
food yourself, have
milk in the fridge.
ook out!
talking about food and recipes, we usually
od quantifiers to specify the quantity. Here
1. a teas
2. a bot
3. 300
4. a sti
5. a b
6. at
7. a
8. a
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