Nguyễn Giang Minh | Chat Online
17/01/2024 20:40:04

Complete the dialogue with past continuous form of the verbs in brackets

III. Complete the dialogue with past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Did you see that Facebook now posts old photos showing what you (1)
(do) in previous years?
Yeah, I just saw one. Look at me here: I (2)
My mum (3)
What was the weather like?
It was a little cold, but at least it (4)
You look great. Better than me in this photo. Look! I (5)
(run) in a race for charity.
these clothes because my dad and I (6)
Where (7)
Just around the city centre, for two kilometres. The problem was my
clothes were too big and my beard (8)
(fall) off!
(camp) with my family.
(try) to cook something, but it wasn't very good!
(not rain). Oh no, look at my
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