Reiko Kisaki | Chat Online
20/01 11:05:51

Complete the dialogue with the words from the box: through, Why, theaters, movie, funny, It's, watch, together

Complete the dialogue with the words from the box: through, Why, theaters, movie, funny, It's, watch, together
Thomas: What's your favorite (1)........Brian
Brian: (2)...... super bad
Thomas: Why?
Brian: It's very (3).....Have you watched it?
Thomas: Not yet.
Brian: You should (4)...... it. I'm sure that you will laugh (5).......
Thomas: Really?
Brian: Yes. I watched that movie the first day it came out in (6).......and now I want to watch it again.
Thomas: I want to watch it too. (7)........don't we watch it together?
Brian: Good idea! I'd love to.
Thomas: Well, let's meet (8) the cinema tonight
Brian: Ok, see you then.
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