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28/01 09:12:11

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VIII. Complete the passage
Socialization refers to the process by which we learn to interact with society. Professionals from many areas are interested
in the study of socialization. Psychologists and sociologists are obvious, (..1..) the practical applications of the process are of
great importance to politicians, marketers, public health professionals, and educators as well. The question of socialization,
(..2..), is so broad and all-encompassing (..3..) its definition, systematic study, and application are formidable tasks. During
socialization, we learn the language of the culture we are born into (..4..) the roles we are to play in life. For example, girls
learn how to be daughters, sisters, friends, wives, and mothers. (..5..), they learn about the occupational roles that their
society allows them. We also learn and usually (..6..) our culture's norms through the socialization process. Norms are
conceptions of appropriate and expected behavior that are held by most members of the society.
One of the primary (..7..) about socialization is its actual scope: (..8..) what extent socialization determines who we are.
Successful socialization may result in uniformity within a society. If children all receive the same socialization, it is not unlikely
that they will share (..9..) beliefs and expectations. In fact national governments around the world are very (..10..) of the
implications of socialization and are being motivated to standardize education and make it compulsory.
1. A. because
B. so
D. but
B. however
2. A. therefore
3. A. where
D. furthermore
D. when
D. on grounds of
4. A. as well as
5. A. After all
6. A. adopt
B. that
B. in relation to
B. In fact
B. deny
D. On balance
7. A. explanations
B. applications
B. to
8. A. with
9. A. similar
B. different
10. A. cautious
B. fond
C. whereas
C. moreover
C. which
C. so far as
C. In addition
C. break
C. excuses
C. on
C. personal
C. aware
D. change
D. questions
D. at
D. social
D. tolerant
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