Chu Đức Quang | Chat Online
31/01/2024 21:35:36

What information do you need to include in your email

mn viết email trả lời cho đề bài dưới đây
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Writing - Guided writing (an email)
Look at this exam task. What information do you need
to include in your email? Choose the correct answers.
You want to join your English friend Lee's tennis club this summer.
Write an email to Lee.
In your email:
• tell Lee you have all the kit
say your dad will give you the money
ask Lee how often they practise.
Write 25 words or more.
1. the clothes he has / the
clothes he needs to buy
2. the person who will
give you the money /
how much the club costs
3. the amount of time /
the places where they
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