Trường Phúc Nguyễn | Chat Online
16/02/2024 20:28:26

Fill in the blank with [because / because of]

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 4. Fill in the blank with [because / because of].
1. My restaurant failed
money management
I'm sick.
a wildfire in the nearby forest.
my bad pronunciation.
2. My mom bought me a hamburger
3. The air was smokey
4. He's misunderstood
5. I exercise a lot
it's healthy.
6. The paint on the outside of my house has really worsened
7. I go by bus
8. He succeeded
12. He proposed to Sara
13. Everyone left early
it's raining.
his hard work.
9. People work
10. I need a new washing machine
11. I drink a lot of coffee
they need money.
mine is broken.
the salt air from the ocean.
I love its aroma.
he loves her so much.
Tome and Mary had a big argument.
14. I think our employees have worked for a long time
15. I don't want you to give it up.
they feel respected.
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