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17/02 17:45:46

Correct a mistake

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
III. Correct a mistake
1. Eight o'clock is the good time to phone Nick as he's always at home in the evening.
2. Not every student is aware of an importance of the English language.
3. We had an excursion to the Lake Hudson, a man-made reservoir in Oklahoma last Sunday.
4. The diabetes is becoming a more and more common disease in children.
5. Once we get to the hotel, let's just check out quickly and then do a bit of sightseeing.
6. To have a better presentation on the screen, you'd better fade out the first image before fading in a second one.
7. I wish I can go to see all the wonders which have been recognized by UNESCO.
8. I could understand what the text is about if I could focus fully, but there is much too noise outside.
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