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18/02/2024 11:25:05

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1: The workers would agree to ____ the strike if the company satisfied their demands.
A. make for B. carry on C. call off D. go up
Question 2: The old man was so tired and weak that he couldn’t ____ what I was saying.
A. keep up B. catch in C. make out D. get on
Question 3: We need to send a representative that we can ____.
A. find out B. count on C. catch on D. stand for
Question 4: If orders keep coming in like this, we will have to ____ more staff.
A. give up B. add in C. take up D. take on
Question 5: Because it rained very heavily all day they had to ____ the garden party until the
following Saturday.
A. put off B. call off C. give up D. hold on
Question 6: In this difficult economic time, this positive news will ____ the whole country.
A. take off B. cheer up C. count on D. get along
Question 7: Sometimes, people need to have a tooth ____. This is called a tooth extraction.
A. pulled out B. knocked down C. brought down D. knocked over
Question 8: Since the last serious accident, Francis has ____ motorcycle racing.
A. given out B. given up C. given in D. given off
Question 9: We have to make sure we ____ the lights when we’re not in the room in order to
conserve electricity.
A. put up B. switch on C. close off D. turn off
Question 10: You need to ____ your jacket because the weather is very cold outside.
A. give away B. warm up C. put on D. tidy up
Question 11: She tried to light a candle but the wind just constantly ____.
A. took it back B. filled it in C. bring it up D. put it out
Question 12: I don’t think ____ her ____ of the team is a wise decision.
A. dropping - off B. running - into C. leaving - out D. turning - up
Question 13: When World Cup ____ next year, I will buy a bigger TV to watch my favourite
teams playing.
A. catches on B. lines up C. goes over D. comes around
Question 14: Stop trying now is just like________a golden opportunity.
A. tearing down B. putting down C. calling for D. throwing away
Question 15: He ____ three names in the guest list and added two others.
A. crossed out B. called off C. did up D. put out
Question 16: By keeping a journal, he can ____ memory loss.
A. give in B. catch on C. deal with D. think over
Question 17: As it was getting late, the boys decided to ____ the campfire and crept into their
sleeping bags.
A. put up B. put off C. put out D. put on
Question 18: Rebecca ____ on our conversation to tell us that James had just been rushed into
A. broke up B. got ahead C. faced up D. cut in
Question 19: The small radical faction ______ from the independence movement.
A. blew away B. backed up C. broke away D. caught up
Question 20: Online trading has been slow to ______ in this part of the country.
A. come off B. call on C. call off D. catch on
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