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18/02/2024 13:05:37

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences

II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.
I don't like the films that have unusual and
The film's main character looks
It can be
(embarrassing/ annoying)
4. This film is about a
6. Here is the list of the most
(entertaining/ depressing)
5. Learning English through movies is an
your language skills. (amusing/ enjoyable)
7. It seems
(incredible/ terrible)
scenes. (shocking/ wonderful)
and ugly, but he's a gentle giant. (lovely/scary)
for children to choose between a film and the homework.
and dreamy story of a couple. (boring/ romantic)
and effective way to improve
10. The music is
movies of the 21st century.
that he has seen that superhero film for ten times.
8. Ms Kelley failed in the acting test, so she found it very
the host answer to complete the sentences.
. (pleasing/
scenes were cut from the film before it came to show. (Severe/ Violent)
and uninspiring, and the same is true of the acting. (dull/
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