Thaoo Nguyenn | Chat Online
18/02/2024 20:15:45

Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space

III. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. (10 points) 1.He tried to learn Chinese but he was _________. (SUCCESS)
2.He will never forget his happy _________. (CHILD)
3.How is your grandfather? – He is much _________ today. (WELL)
4.I watch TV every day because it is very _________. (INFORM) 5.We must keep our environment _________. (POLLUTE)
6.They cancelled all the _________ because of the fog. (FLY)
7.I’m going to the shop for a rice _________. What brand do you recommend? (COOK)
8.Every _________ in my neighborhood has at least one TV set. (HOUSE)
9.I can do all of these exercises _________. (EASY)
10.His _________ of some words is not correct. (PRONOUNCE)
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