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20/02/2024 12:30:19

Match the shops with their descriptions (A - C) below. There are shops you may not need to use

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. Match the shops with their descriptions (A-C) below. There are shops you may not
need to use.
A. Department stores B. Supermarkets E.Open-air markets
C. Corner shops
D. Fair trades
Britain was once known as a nation of shopkeepers, however the small shop in the UK is
almost a thing of the past. They are often run by families operating as sole traders. They
usually specialise in a small range of goods, e.g. butchers, tailors, greengrocers,
newsagents etc. Prices are often higher in these shops, as they cannot afford to buy in
large quantities, and the range of goods on offer is often small.
They must have a minimum selling area of 186m² and at least 3 check outs. They are
often situated on the edge of a town by a main road or motorway. They are mostly self-
service and sell a range of goods including groceries, clothing, electrical goods, etc.;
however, their main selling items are food and drink. Prices are generally low. Tescos,
Sainsburys and Asda are three of the largest ones in the UK.
They are a collection of shops under one roof, but under the control of one firm. They
sell a wide range of goods. They usually occupy large buildings in expensive city
centres. Each store has a number of departments and each department specialises in a
particular type of product or service such as electrical goods, carpets, clothing,
furniture, ... The most famous one in the UK is probably Harrods. They also offer
customer loyalty cards, or store credit cards.
(Adapted from:
B. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
1. The word specialise in passage 1 means_
A. study much
C. spend more time on
B. train hard
D. become expert
2. If you want goods at a variety of choices and low prices, you should go to
A. a department store
B. a corner shop
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