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D. Only when the driver realized the importance of fastening a seat belt did he suffer from serious injuries
in a car accident.
Question 33: I don't enjoy living in the countryside. I can't find a job there.
A. I won't enjoy living in the countryside if I can find a job there.
B. If only I can find a job in the countryside, I will enjoy living in the countryside.
C. I would enjoy living in the countryside if I could find a job there.
D. I will enjoy living in the countryside if I can't find a job there.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38.
The New Megalopolis
China isn't the world's most ferocious new economic (34)
the exploding east-coast corridor, from
Beijing to Shanghai, is. India as a whole is not developing high-tech industries and attracting jobs, but the
booming mega-region stretching from Bangalore to Hyderabad is. Across the world, in fact, nations don't
spur growth so (35) ____________ as dynamic regions, modern versions of the original "megalopolis," (36)
was a term coined by the geographer Jean Gottman to identify the sprawling Boston-New York-Washington
economic power corridor in the United States.
The New Megas are the real economic organizing units of the world and the major sources of global wealth,
attracting a large share of its talent and generating the most innovation. They take shape as powerful
complexes of multiple cities and suburbs, often (37)
of trade, transport, communications, and talent. (38)
across national borders, forming a vast expanse
despite the fact that the rise of regions has been
apparent for more than a decade, no one has collected systematic information on them, not the World Bank,
not the IMF, not the United Nations, not the global consulting firms.
(Adapted from Inside Reading by Bruce Rubin, Arline Burgmeier, Kent Richmond, Lawrence J Zwier)
Question 34: A. contestant
B. participant
D. candidate
Question 35: A. much
B. less
D. few
B. that
D. which
D. springing
B. stretching
B. Although
D. But
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43.
Table manners differ around the world. If you visit your friends for a meal, it's good to know about the
customs they follow. If you are invited to a Moroccan's home, bring a gift of sweet pastries, nuts, figs, dates,
or flowers to the hostess. In many traditional homes, people often sit on the floor to eat a meal. Often,
everyone shares food from the same plate, which is put in the centre of the table. Usually, everyone also
drinks water from the same glass. Only eat the food in front of you. Don't reach across someone for food. It
is common to use your fingers and small pieces of bread to eat food. Use only your right hand to eat. Don't
say 'no' to food. If the host of the meal offers you food or drink, take some and try a little. In many Moroccan
homes, it is common to take off your shoes.
Tanzania is known for its fresh fish and spices. Don't act scared if your meal comes with its head still on the plate. It is
polite to try a bite of everything. In many Tanzanian homes, people sit at a table on small stools to eat. It is fine to eat
with your right hand, using bread or chapati to pick up food. Everyone may take food from the same plate, but it is not
usual for people to share drinks. You may compliment the cook on a delicious meal, but don't exaggerate. In some
parts of Tanzania, men and women still sit at different tables. Also remember: it is common to take off your shoes in
the home, but it is rude to show the bottom of your foot.
Question 36: A. who
Question 37: A. branching
Question 38: A. Yet
C. competitor
C. many
C. when
C. stringing
C. For example
you can
A. learn how to eat more healthily
(Adapted from Active Skills for Reading Intro)
Question 39: Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Table Manners in Morocco and Tanzania
C. Top Places to Enjoy Foreign Cuisines
Question 40: The word they in paragraph 1 refers to
A. customs
B. Best Cuisines for Friends and Family
D. The Ultimate Guide to Dining Etiquette
B. friends
C. manners
D. meals
Question 41: According to the passage, it is helpful to know about the customs in other countries because
B. order the right food in a restaurant
D. act in a more appropriate way
D. praise
C. learn more foreign languages
Question 42: The word compliment paragraph 3 mostly means
A. criticise
B. thank
C. insult
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