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24/02/2024 09:37:03

Fill the blank

We all love being on our laptops, smart phones and ipads, the internet is the big reason behind us
(1).......... so much time on these gadgets. The internet is probably one of the (2) ......... inventions of the
century. Before this invention, we had to go to the (3) ........... to do our research but now, all we have to
do is go to Google to do our research. We can do many things with the internet; we can shop, pay bills,
(4).......... with your friends in Facebook or Skype, watch videos in Youtube, download games, surf the
celebrity (5) ............, and many more!
The internet is really useful and has a lot of advantages. (6) ..........., there are also some disadvantages of
using it such as social disconnect, virus threat, bad programs, ect. Ones need to be very alert when using
the internet.
1. A. passing
2. A. lastest
3. A. library
4. A. meet
B. spending
B. soundest
B. restaurant
B. chat
C. saving
C. greatest
C. theater
C. contact
D. giving
D. closest
D. arcade
D. respond
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