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03/03/2024 15:58:43

Put the correct word in the blank

giúp em với ạ 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
David is an artist. He likes to make art out of wood and paper, but paper is his
favourite. His art club is having a competition
of art for it. David is making a man out of paper.
First, he carefully cut the paper with his best (1)
He put all
the paper on the table and looked for a bottle of glue. The bottle on his shelf was
empty, but he had another bottle in his rucksack. "Oh no!" said David. "This one's
empty tool" David asked his mother to buy him some more glue, but she said that
she couldn't go to the (2)
until the next day
and everyone is making a piece
Practice Test 2
David was unhappy. He phoned his friend Par, who usually makes him feel better
Pat told David that he would (3)
him some glue that night.
'Excellent!" said David.
With the help of Pat's glue, David worked on his paper man. It was easy to make
arms and legs and a body, but the head was very (4)
When it
looked OK and the glue was dry, David (5)
colourful clothes on it.
David was excited. Now I'll win the competition!" he said.
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