Nguyễn Kim Ngân | Chat Online
07/03 12:19:54

Movies are like magical stories that play on a screen. We can watch them in a cinema or at home. Movies are exciting because they show us different things and make us feel happy or sad

Movies are like magical stories that play on a screen. We can watch them in a cinema or at home. Movies are exciting because they show us different things and make us feel happy or sad.

There are (1) ___ types of movies – some have lots of action, some are about love, and others make us think. When we watch a movie, we (2) ___ new characters who become like our friends. We can go on adventures with them (3) ___ learn new things.

Watching movies is something we can do together (4) ___ family and friends. After watching a movie, we can talk about it and share our thoughts. It's like a special time to enjoy and have fun. Movies use cool technology, but what's important is how they make us feel. Whether it's an old movie or a new one, movies are like (5) ___ stories that stay in our hearts.

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