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07/03/2024 20:16:16

Read the passage and then choose the correct answer to each question

help me !!!!!!!!!
III. Read the passage and then choose the correct answer to each question.
A. There are (1)
types of films: comedy, romance, science fiction,
romance, documentary, horror, action, ect. In those kinds, my favorite one is romantic,
such (2)
Titanic, The Notebook, Notting Hill, ect. They give us a meaningful
lesson about life and love. Sometimes they are moving and make me (3)
lot. I am also keen (4)
documentaries. They give me such an interesting
1. A. few
2. A. as
3. A. laugh
4. A. in
B. a few
B. example
B. smile
B. on
C. one
C. for
C. bore
C. with
D. various
D. on
D. cry
D. about
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