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09/03 18:02:46

Correct a mistake

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
III. Correct a mistake
1. Everyone was exciting when the match between Vietnam and Thailand began.
2. When eating in India, you always should use the right hand. Never use the left hand.
3. She is thinking of taking part in either planting trees and helping the street children.
4. Walt Disney Studios, a famous company movie, has produced hundreds of cartoons for children.
5. If the factory continues dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals would die.
6. In Canada, the handshake should be firm and accompanied by directly eye contact and a warm smile.
7. Usually, people from different parts of a country are speaking their language with a different accent.
8. The most important period of physical growth in humans occurred during their first two years.
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