Shizukka | Chat Online
11/03 02:36:49

Chọn đáp án đúng

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
5. The trip was boring, but we enjoyed it a lot.
A. We enjoyed boring trips.
B. We were bored with the trip.
C. The trip bored the US a lot.
D. We enjoyed the trip although it was boring.
6. It's not a good idea to drive fast in this street.
A. You shouldn't drive fast in this street.
-B. You should drive fast in this street.
C. You don't have to drive fast in this street.
D. You'd better drive fast in this street. lg hebu uiang già
chiphi SH
7. Although old-age pensions have risen considerably, they haven't kept pace with the cost of living.
len dans kon
A. Old-age pensions have risen considerably, but they haven't kept pace with the cost of living.
B. Old-age pensions have risen considerably because they haven't kept pace with the cost of living.
C.In spite of old-age pensions have risen considerably, they haven't kept pace with the cost of living.
D. Old-age pensions have risen considerably or they haven't kept pace with the cost of living.
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