Ông Thu Hiền Rơ | Chat Online
12/03/2024 19:49:08

Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage

Part 1. Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage.
When violent events happen outside the (1)
control-causes-answer- happen- before- loss-difficult- earthquakes
............. of humans, they are called
natural disasters. Natural forces are the causes of these events. There are many kinds
of natural disasters, and they can result in (2)
to property.
of life, injury, and damage
............. is a definite 'yes' for some
So, can we predict natural disasters? The (3).
kinds of natural disasters. Scientists understand the factors that lead to storms,
.... to predict
tornadoes, and floods. However, it is much more (4)
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Some volcanos may leak gases or pour out
lava before erupting, but others do not give any warnings at all. It is also difficult to
predict (5)
although scientists are aware of the regions where
earthquakes are most likely to happen.
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