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17/03 22:57:13

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huhu giúp mk với ạ mai thi r
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
In January 2007, when Felix Finkbeiner was nine years old, he did a project on climate change at his primary school in
Starnberg, Germany. While preparing for the project, he came across the story of Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan wonian
who started a tree-campaign in 1977 and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. He thought her campaign was a great id:
so he decided to talk about it in class. In his presentation, he suggested that children should plant one million trees in
each country of the world. Two months later. Felix planted his first tree and started a campaign. to plant a million trees.
He called his campaign 'Plant for the Planet'. In 2011, Teix made his speech at the United Nations. He asked world.
leaders to 'stop talking-start planting'. In the same year, his campaign reached its goal of planting one million trees in
Germany, Felix also asked some people to help him make his own chocolate bar, and for every five bars sold, a tree
gets planted. Now, 'The Change Chocolate' bar has become a best-selling chocolate bar in Germany. Today, Felix is
21, 'Plant-for-the-Planet employs 130 people internationally and has trained more than 81,000 children in 73 countries.
33. How old was Felix when he did the class project on climate change?
34. Whose idea encouraged Felix to start his campaign?.........
35. When did Felix's campaign reach its goal?
36. What did he ask the world leaders during his speech at the United Nations?.
37. How can people help the environment when they buy "The Change Chocolate"?
B. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each blank.
Hi Susan,
a clean-up project. We collected rubbish
What are you doing these days? Last Saturday our school (38),
that people threw in the river. It was a fantastic day. Many people such as teachers, students and their parents, (39)
and worked hard. We picked up lots of plastic bottles, food packets and drink cans. We put the rubbish
the teachers carried them to a truck, which then took the rubbish to the
into the bags and boxes, (40)
recycling centre. In the afternoon, we listened to Professor Leslie Cook giving a talk about some easy ways to be
green. For example, you shouldn't leave your electronic devices on standby when you go to sleep. All those little
the heating and put on a
red or green lights consume more energy than you think. You can also (41).
jumper or have shorter showers to save water. And guess what, I'm going to Costa Rica in July. It's all arranged.
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