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23/03 15:40:54

The villagers are trying to learn English_________they can communicate with foreign customers

1. The villagers are trying to learn English_________they can communicate with foreign customers.


A. because

B. although

C. in order that

D. so


2. We bought this hand-embroidered picture_________it was expensive.


A. despite

B. however

C. because

D. even though


3. Tay Ho is the most famous craft village in Hue_________it is the birthplace of the conical hat.


A. since

B. after

C. though

D. before


4. I will phone her_________I get the news about her child.


A. still

B. as soon as

C. while

D. because


5. _________it was a bit cold, the weather was nice.


A. Although

B. When

C. Until

D. In spite of


6. Let’s talk about our project_________we’re walking.


A. while

B. because

C. or

D. and


7. I’d like to talk to you_________you go home.


A. but

B. before

C. so

D. even though


8. _________they are rich, they think they can do whatever they like.


A. However

B. Although

C. Because

D. Until


9. They are studying hard_________they can study overseas.


A. so that

B. in order to

C. since

D. while


10. The show was boring_________we went home before it ended.


A. because

B. so that

C. but

D. so


Exercise 11

1. In my job, Friday is_________of the week.


A. busier day

B. more busy day

C. the most busy day

D. the busiest day


2. You should work_________if you want to earn more money.


A. harder

B. hardlier

C. more hardly

D. more hard


3. People used to say that London was_________city, but it is now much_________than it was.


A. the dirtiest – more clean

B. the most dirty – more clean

C. the most dirty – cleaner

D. the dirtiest – cleaner


4. She asked me how long_________in my present job.


A. I had been working

B. I have been working

C. had I been working

D. have I worked


5. She said that she would clean her room_________.


A. yesterday

B. the following day

C. the previous day

D. the day before


6. I told you_________the computer, didn’t I?


A. wo switch off

B. don’t switch off

C. not switch off

D. switch off


7. Lan said she_________the following week, but I never saw her again.


A. will be back

B. had been back

C. would be back

D. is going to be back


8. He wanted to know what time_________.


A. does the plane take off

B. the plane took off

C. did the plane take off

D. the plane will take off


9. Nick suggested_________for a walk after dinner, but no one wanted to.


A. to go

B. go

C. going

D. went


10. The last time I saw him, he looked very relaxed. He explained that he_________on holiday the previous week.


A. was

B. has been

C. would be

D. had been


Exercise 12

1. I wonder_________the tickets are on sale yet.


A. whether

B. what

C. where

D. when


2. He said he had seen a great film_________.


A. yesterday

B. last week

C. today

D. the week before


3. She asked me whether I_________that day.


A. leave

B. left

C. was leaving

D. had left


4. Dave asked Sandra_________her telephone number.


A. what is

B. what was

C. giving him

D. to give him


5. His grandmother told him_________to brush his teeth.


A. not forget

B. not forgetting

C. not to forget

D. to not forget


6. The doctor asked him_________at least eight hours a day.


A. if he sleeps

B. if he slept

C. if he would sleep

D. if he was sleeping


7. Our teacher asked us_________most worried about.


A. what you were

B. what were you

C. what we were

D. what were we


8. The children wanted to know_________.


A. was he English

B. was him English

C. if was he English

D. if he was English


9. They were not sure_________in Hanoi.


A. where they visit

B. where they visited

C. where they will visit

D. where to visit


10. John doesn’t know how_________the computer on.


A. to switch

B. switching

C. to switching

D. to have switched


Exercise 13

1. Her parents wondered_________to make her feel relaxed.


A. how to do

B. what to do

C. how they did

D. what they did


2. I wonder how people_________themselves when there was no electricity.


A. use to entertain

B. used to entertain

C. are used to entertain

D. were used to entertain


3. Most girls_________write down their daily thoughts and feelings in their diaries.


A. used to

B. was used to

C. were used to

D. had been used to


4. In the past, the whole village_________to the news programme through a loudspeaker.


A. was used to listen

B. was used to be listening

C. used to listen

D. used to listening


5. The people in this town_________travel by cars.


A. used not to

B. used to not

C. didn’t use to

D. did use to not


6. Where_________to work?


A. did you use

B. did you used

C. were you use

D. were you used


7. These workers_________very long hours.


A. used to working

B. used to be working

C. didn’t use to work

D. didn’t used to working


8. I_________exercise in the morning. Now I do jogging for 30 minutes before I go to school.


A. used to not

B. did not use to

C. did use to not

D. was not used to


9. I wish people in the world_________conflicts and lived in peace.


A. don’t have

B. didn’t have

C. hadn’t had

D. wouldn’t have


10. I wish we_________with animals.


A. communicate

B. can communicate

C. could communicate

D. would communicate


Exercise 14

1. He wishes he_________right now instead of attending university.


A. works

B. is working

C. worked

D. were working


2. Nick : Could you lend me some money ?

    Jim : I wish I_________you some money, but I’m broke myself.


A. can lend

B. would lend

C. could lend

D. will lend


3. An : What are you doing later this afternoon ?

    Binh : I wish I_________the answer to that question.


A. knew

B. know

C. could know

D. would know


4. I wish we_________a calculator to work out these numbers.


A. have

B. had

C. will have

D. are having


5. We can’t go along here because the road_________.


A. is repairing

B. is repaired

C. is being repaired

D. repaires


6. The story I’ve just read_________Agatha Christie.


A. was written

B. was written by

C. was written from

D. wrote by


7. Some films stars_________difficult to work with.


A. are said be

B. are said to be

C. say to be

D. said to be


8. _________she works 16 hours a day.


A. It is said that

B. She is said that

C. They are said that

D. There is said that


9. His friends_________that he made up the whole story himself.


A. believe

B. are believing

C. are believed

D. were believed


10. There_________a secret tunnel between those two houses.


A. people say is

B. people say has

C. is said to be

D. is said to have


Exercise 15

1. The child is believed_________a white pullover and blue jeans.


A. that he is wearing

B. that he worn

C. to be wearing

D. is wearing


2. It_________that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall.


A. alleges

B. is alleged

C. is alleging

D. has alleged


3. How_________before the first motorbike was imported?


A. did people in Viet Nam travel

B. would people in Viet Nam travel

C. had people in Viet Nam travelled

D. had people in Viet Nam been travelled


4. Ly Chieu Hoang_________the country before the Tran dynasty.


A. rules

B. ruled

C. was ruling

D. had ruled


5. When I_________back, things_________dramatically.


A. come – changed

B. came – changed  

C. came – had changed

D. had come – had changed


6. The house was very quiet when I_________home. Everyone_________to bed.


A. got – went

B. got – had gone

C. had got – went  

D. had got – had gone


7. Tom_________when I_________at the party last night.


A. already went – arrived

B. already gone – arrived

C. had already gone – had arrived

D. had already gone – arrived


8. I_________a bit better after I_________the medicine.


A. had felt – took

B. felt – had taken

C. felt – took

D. had felt – had taken


9. When Martin_________the car, he took it out for a drive.


A. had repaired

B. has repaired

C. repaired

D. was repairing


10. Your birthday party was the last time I_________myself

A. have already enjoyed

B. really enjoyed

C. had already enjoyed

D. really enjoy

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