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25/03 19:48:57

Điền đại từ quan hệ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

IV. Điền đại từ quan hệ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.
1. The new movie is about a boy
2. He is the young man
3. The DVD recorder
That's the book
5. Is this the hotel
6. My dad,
It was midnight
There are several reasons
has lost his parents in a car accident.
wife left him for someone else.
I bought at this store a few days ago is not working.
I recommended reading in class.
you are staying for the tournament?
travels a lot on business, is in Australia at the moment.
the first rescue team arrived at the scene of the accident.
I am not allowed to give you any information.
had an indoor swimming pool.
9. We stayed at the famous Rockstar hotel,
10. Did you write back to the person
offered you a job?
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