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27/03/2024 20:37:01

Circle the words/phrases which are closet in meaning to the underlined words/ phrases

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Circle the words/phrases which
are CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined words/phrases.
1. Our English exam was a piece of cake.
I got full marks on it.
A. easy
B. difficult
2. You're kidding! I can't believe Ms Mai
and you are sisters.
A. serious
B. joking
3. I can't read the text on the computer
screen. Can you zoom in on it?
A. make it bigger
B. make it smaller
4. We need a high-speed Internet
connection to make video calls.
B. slow
A. fast
5. That's exactly how I feel. It's true that
video conferences are very convenient.
A. I don't think so.
B. You are absolutely right.
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