phong cute | Chat Online
30/03 17:01:06

Read and answer

I II. Read and answer.
                 Hoa:         Good morning! Can I speak to Mai, please?
                 Mai:         Speaking! It’s Mai.
                 H oa:Are you going to visit me?
                  Mai:Yes, I’m going to Hanoi next weekend.
                 Hoa: I’m happy to hear that.
                 Mai:         Can you show me the way to your house?
First, you can take a train to the railway station. From here, you can take bus number 32 and get off at the eighth stop in Ho Tung Mau street. Then walk along this street for 5 minutes and you will see a big supermarket, next to the bank. My house is opposite the supermarket. It is between the pharmacy and the bakery.
Thank you. When I get there, I’ll call you.
See you!
21. When is Mai going to visit Hoa?
=> ………………………………………………………………………………
22. What bus should Mai take?
=> ………………………………………………………………………………
23. Where should she get off the bus?
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
24. What’s the name of the street that she will get off the bus?
=> ………………………………………………………………………………
25. What is next to the supermarket?
=> ………………………………………………………………………………
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