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31/03/2024 20:59:31

Choose the correct response to complete the dialogues

Choose the correct response to complete the dialogues
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
"Shall we go out for dinner?""
A. Never mind.
B. It is boring.
7. "How did you get here?"
A. I came here last night.
B. The train is so crowded.
C. You can say that again. D. I would love to.
C. I came here by train.
D. Is it far from here?
8. "My mom promised to get me a new bike if I get mark 10 in maths."-"
A.I am sorry, I can't.
B. Your mom is so beautiful.
C. Great, you can't do it.
D. Great! You can do it.
9. "We will have a new vending machine at our school.""
A. I have a truth to say.
B. Great news for us!
C. We are so sorry.
D. We have to say sorry.
10. Alice: We're going to have a meeting on Google Meet if it rains.- Phong:
A. Great!
B. I think it will rain.
C. Thank you. See you soon
D. Yes, I'd love to!
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