ngcham | Chat Online
01/04/2024 06:02:04

Choose the best answer:

help mee!to đag cần gấp,camon trc nha
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 2: Choose the best answer:
1. Julia said that she
A. is going to be
2. He
there at noon.
B. was going to be
that he was leaving way that afternoon.
C. will be
D. can be
A. told me
B. told to me
C. said me
D. says to me
3. She said to me that she
to me the Sunday before.
A. wrote
4. I
B. has written
C. was writing
D. had written
him to sell that old motorbike.
A. said to
B. suggested
C. advised
5. My parents reminded me
A. remember to plant B. plant
the flowers.
C. to plant
6. I asked Martha
to enter law school.
A. are you planning B. is she planning
7. Nam wanted to know what time
A. does the movie begin
C. was she planning
B. did the movie begin
D. recommended
D. planting
D. if she was plann
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