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01/04/2024 13:19:07


giả giúp mk vs
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Do you (36)....... people on what they look like? I think we all (37)........that we shouldn't
do this although many of us still do. Some people are impressed by clothes from a particular
(38); others think that things such as someone's hairstyle is critical to their (39)......of
someone. But, if you sit and chat to people, you can see that, whatever they look (40).........., that
person may be really good (41)......and could become a close friend of yours - if only they were
given the (42)......... The point is that we should take people as they are and not dismiss them just
because they (43)........differently from us. You may ignore someone who could be your best
friend just because they are (44).......the wrong jeans. We need to look past the clothes, the tattoos
and the hairstyles and think about personality, not (45).........
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