Huỳnh NgocAnh | Chat Online
01/04 20:09:35

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

interact                  motivate     take              discover       create
concentrate           scan           develop        invent           mark
1.Scientists ..... have to how to predict an earthquake.
2.I am going to ..... on my writing for a while 
3.Teachers often spend a lot of time ...... exam papers
4.He does not ...... well with the other students
5.I wish someone would ....... an everlasting light bulb
6.He is looking for a job which will allow him to ...... his talents
7.He ...... a wonderful meal from very few ingredients yesterday.
8.The police questioned Jack and ..... his fingerprints 
9.I'll ....... the artical into the computer
10.Teaching is all about ..... people to learn 
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