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03/04/2024 22:24:53

Match the highlighted words in the sentences with their British English equivalents in the box

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
D. Match the highlighted words in the sentences with their British English equivalents in the box.
1. Shirley just bought another apartment in Paris.
2. There is an elevator on the side of the building; you can see the whole city as it goes up..
3. The broken sidewalk has recently been repaired..
4. Jim is going on vacation this year to New York.
5. Todd decided to buy the brown pants rather than the black ones..
6. Apparently, the truck driver fell asleep while driving.
7. It's a bit cold outside; I think I need to go back for a sweater.
8. Emma is the captain of the soccer team..
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