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05/04/2024 20:16:20

Fill in the correct verb form

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 3: Fill in the correct verb form.
Tomorrow, students 1.............. (assemble) in the school playground at 08:00 am, to go to Heritage
Village. They 2.......... (have) their school picnic. The bus 3................ (arrive) at 08:30 am,
sharp. We 4............. .... (reach) the Heritage Village at around 10:30 am. On reaching, students 5.
(go) around to see various displays. The staff at the spot 6. ............... (welcome) the
(offer) the students' snacks. After
(play) in the park. Around 01:00 pm, all students 9.
students with flowers and scented perfumes. They 7. _
they eat their snacks, children 8.
(assemble) for lunch. They 10.
songs. At around 04:00 pm, students 12.
(sit) in a circle and 11.
..... (sing)
(gather) near the bus. They 13.....
(board) the bus in a queue. At around 06:00 pm, they 14................ (reach) school. Their parents
(pick) them up from the school.
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