sia_đẹp trai | Chat Online
05/04 21:18:42

Chọn đáp án đúng

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. cloth
4. Beer
B. clothe
C. clothed
A. used be drunk
B. used to be drunk
A. doctors
B. conservationists
D. clothing
D. used to be drank
D. nurses
for breakfast in England years ago.
C. used to drunk
C. developers
5. Jim's mother asked, "What do you want to eat for dinner, Jim?"
Jim's mother asked him
A. what he wants to eat for dinner
B. What he wanted to eat for dinner
C. what you wanted to eat for dinner
D. what wanted he to eat for dinner
III. Supply the corect tense or form of the verb in parentheses. (1.0p)
for a novel.
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