Nguyễn lam | Chat Online
05/04/2024 22:51:29

Viết lại câu cho nghĩa không đổi

Giải giùm em với xin cảm ơn
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
On arriving in Da
Nang, I made a video call home.
When I were hasy arriving in AN, I made a video call I come
me bea
friend said that scientists would explore Mars in the near
My friend said, "his
"You have to study harder if you want to be a doctor."
Scientist woulank
We can see our loved ones every moment thanks to video call.
Video call makes it
slov vnent and
We spent two hours uploading our video files to YouTube.
It took hours
8. "Why don't you swap the bookcase for the TV?" she said to me.
She suggested that to dictn't her
Now benihel
por lleme yhiel uolss nu?
vioni vem snemoneriq lspigolonostom
gest pla
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