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06/04 20:22:22

Read the following passage and mark the letter

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

There are many advantages and drawbacks of city life that you need to know before deciding whether to settle down there or not.

Cities are large and highly populated areas and therefore often seem like very crowded places. Because the population is more concentrated, there are often traffic jams, packed public transportation and streets swarming with people in a rush. Pollution is one of the major problems caused by high population density. Motor vehicle emissions contribute to low quality of air and are a major component of smog insome large cities. Another thing to have in mind if you want to reside in urban areas is the high prices of accommodations. For the price of an apartment in the city, one can buy a large property in the country, with lots of indoor and also outdoor space.

At the same time, there are many advantages of living in the city. Everything you may need is close by starting with hospitals, banks, educational institutions, shops, etc. Cities also have a developed infrastructure like electricity, telecommunication, water and transportation facilities. While in the city you can get anywhere by public transportation or a taxi relatively quickly, to get anywhere in the countryside you have to have a vehicle and drive. If you are unemployed and are looking for a job, the city provides a lot more employment opportunities. High-paying jobs in finance, medicine, law, retail or advertising tend to be found in the cities. One can also work remotely, but that means fewer career options.

Consider carefully to have your own choice!

25. According to the passage, cities are ____________ places.

A. large and crowded                                     B. small and crowded

C. big and noisy                                              D. large and quiet

26. Which is a major problem caused by high population density?

A. traffic jam                                                  B. the high prices of accommodations

C. pollution                                                     C. low quality of air

27. The word “advantages” can be best replaced by the word “____________”.

A. disadvantages        B. benefits                   C. problems                 D. drawbacks

28. Which one is NOT an advantage of living in the city?

A. You can get anywhere by public transportation or a taxi relatively quickly.

B. The city provides a lot more employment opportunities.

C. Everything you may need is close by, for example, hospitals, banks, educational institutions, shops.

D. You can buy a large property with lots of indoor and also outdoor space

29. The text is mainly about ____________.

A. advantages and drawbacks of city life      B. advantages of city life

C. drawbacks of city life                                D. how to live in the city

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