Lê Duy | Chat Online
08/04/2024 21:00:22

Read the following passage then choose True (1) or False (F)

Read the following passage then choose True (1) or False (F). (1p)
Ba is in Da Lat with his parents. They are staying at the Crazy House Hotel. There are ten rooms in the
otel. They are named after different animals. There is a Kangaroo room, an Eagle room. I'm staying in the
iger room. It's called the Tiger room because there is a big Tiger on the wall. The rooms are really interesting.
1. Ba is in Da Lat with his brother and sister.
2. They are staying at the Crazy House Hotel.
3. There is a Tiger room.
4. The rooms are named after different animals.
5. The room's called the Tiger room because there is a big Kangaroo on the wall.
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