Daisy Daisy | Chat Online
08/04 21:35:28

Choose the best option to fill in the blank

Choose the best option to fill in the blank.
65. ___________ resources are those which cannot be replaced when they are used up.
A. non-renewable
B. renewable
C. harmful
D. nuclear
66. Solar power from the sun is ___________ because we won’t “use up” all the sunlight from the
A. non-renewable
B. limited
C. unlimited
D. clean
67.Wind energy is non – polluting, but it not widely ___________.
A. replace
B. available
C. harmful
D. energy
68.You can relax and read books if you are in a ____________ car.
A. driver
B. driverless
C. drive
D. driving
69.We try to make the future green by using vehicles or kinds of energy that are __________.
A. comfortable
B. economical
C. eco-friendly
D. polluted
70.Your English will be much better if you talk to the ___________ people.
A. cultural
B. ancient
C. amazing
D. local
71.The city has a ___________ tower. You can never see them in other places.
A. important
B. normal
C. unique
D. common
72.In New Zealand, you can see amazing natural ____________: green mountains, shining beaches,
high waterfalls, and ancient forests.
A. landscapes
B. palaces
C. seasons
D. tattoos
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