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09/04/2024 20:25:59

Read the following passage and choose A, B, C or D to indicate the best option to answer each

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
D. It was
Read the following passage and choose A, B, C or D to indicate the best option to answer each
of the following questions.
When drawing human figures, children often make the head too large for the rest of the body. A
recent study offers some insights into this common disproportion in children's illustrations. As
of the study, researchers asked children between 4 and 7 years old to make several drawings
of men. When they drew front views of male figures, the size of the heads was markedly
enlarged. However, when the children drew rear views of men, the size of the heads was not so
exaggerated. The researchers suggested that children drew bigger heads when they know they
must leave room for facial details. Therefore, the odd head size in children's illustrations is a
form of planning ahead and not an indication of a poor sense of scale.
Question 31: The word 'odd' in line 9 is closest in meaning to
A. expected
B. huge
C. average
D. unusual
Question 32: Which of the following groups would not probably be interested in the findings of
the experiment?
A. commercial artists
C. parents of young children.
Question 33: The main subject of the passage is
A. how children learn to dra
B. experts in children development
D. teachers of art to children
B. how researchers can gather data from works of art
C. what the results of an experiment revealed
D. what can be done to correct a poor sense of scale
Question 34: It can be inferred that during the research project, the children drew
A. figures without facial expression
B. pictures of men from different angles
C. pictures of both men and women
D. only the front view of men
Question 35: Which of the following is true?
A. Children under the age of 7 do not generally have a good sense of scale.
B. Children plan ahead when they are drawing pictures.
C. Children enlarge the size of the head because they think that it is the most important part
of the body.
D. With training, young children can be taught to avoid disproportion in their art.
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