Phạm Mai Anh | Chat Online
10/04/2024 20:58:49

Read the text and answer the questions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 2: Read the text and answer the questions.
There is a custom in Italy for young couples to get engaged on Valentine's Day. Some shops sell baskets
and cups which are filled with sweets and tied with ribbons. The young lovers offer these to each other
as a sign of their love.
On February 14th many young women give sweets to their boyfriends, and on March 14th their
boyfriends buy them chocolate. However, the young who do not have a girlfriend or boyfriend can
celebrate their own day on April 14%. On this special day, called "Black Day", these young people sit
with their friends, who are in the same situation, and eat jajang noodles, which are black. This ensures
that everyone has a day to celebrate.
United State of America
Most people in the USA take Valentine's Day as an opportunity to express their feelings towards their
loved one or to offer the hand of friendship to others. However, it is popular on these days to send an
"anti-valentine" card. These cards either have an insulting message (to a person you hate) or say
goodbye (to your current partner). If you receive a card with the message C-Ya! (See you), it means
your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to end your relationship.
1. What do Italians give for their lovers on Valentine's Day?
2. What is April 14 called in Korea?
3. What do young Koreans who do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend do on April 14th?
4. What is popular for Americans on Valentine' Day?
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