Tuấn Anh Nguyễn Hồng | Chat Online
12/04 15:32:39

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence or do as directed

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence or do as directed. (2ms)
1. Don't chop the beef into the chunks. (Sprinkle/ Slice/ Simmer) it thinly.
2. Let's buy one more (pinch/ loaf/ head) of bread. One is not enough for our family.
3. Juko and her sister are bilingual (on/ in/ for) both Japanese and Vietnamese.
4. There was a(mix-up/ pile-up/ full board) and we were given the wrong ticket.
5. Do you remember the day (which / where / when) we first met, Sam?
6. Gagarin (has flown/ was flying/ had flown) into space eight years before Armstrong walked on the moon.
7. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern: (fascinate/ consider/ discover).
8. Choose the underlined part that is incorrect: She is (A) studying at a university (B) in (C) the London
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