ejonep | Chat Online
12/04 20:21:41

Correct a mistake

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Correct a mistake
1. The new law limits smoking in public, so there are less places where people can smoke.
2. Do you know how far it takes to travel from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City by plane?
3. Last night I didn't go to bed early although being very tired after a day of hard work.
4. "Dawn of the Dead" by George A. Romero is the most frightened film I have ever seen so far.
5. At this time next week, we will be installed a wind turbine in our garden to make electricity.
6. I wanted to see a science-fiction film; therefore, there was no such kind of film available at that time.
7. Jane entered the room and spoke to me softly so that nobody else could hear her clear.
8. Renewable energy sources like coal, natural gas and oil produce a lot of carbon dioxide.
9. Fossil fuels are very common in our society but they polluted the environment.
10. Peter wants to have less business trips because he has become seriously weak.
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