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13/04/2024 11:00:15

Reorder the letters to make correct words, then match them with their meanings

Exercise 3. Reorder the letters to make correct words, then match them with their meanings.
. I - E - E - S - S - R - L - R - D - V
A. to disappear and then immediately reappear at a different place
B. a liquid used especially as a fuel for cars and other vehicles
2. L - H - E - E - W
3. P - U - L - P - R - O - A
C. a person who is traveling in an automobile, bus, train, airplane, or other vehicles
4. T - R - T - R - L - O - E - P - E - E
5. C - E - L - C - I - E - R - T
D. not having a person as a driver
E. a self-balancing one-wheeled electric vehicle for personal transportation
6. N - R - S - G - S - E - P - E - A
F. a vehicle used for space travel.
7. O - S - D - G - N - R - U - E - A
G. a round part underneath a car, wagon, etc., that rolls and allows something to move
8 p - R - E - L + 0 - T

9. S-I-E-H-A-S-P-P-C
10. L-H-O-E-E-L-W-O-S
H. unsafe
I. worked by, charged with, or producing electricity
J. liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people

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