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13/04/2024 22:24:31

Supply the correct verb forms

2. They enjoy
3. It's no good
4. I promised
IV. Supply the correct verb forms.
1. We encouraged her
(succeed in)
(listen) to sad music.
(force) him to go with us.
(care) for the cat but I'm not much good at
(become) a top player.
5. The people thanked me for
(help) them.
6. It is not worth
(help) him
(do) the job.
7. I let him
(choose) between
(fly) and
(take) the train.
8. Her forced us
9. They continued
10. He'd better
(accept) his offer by
(raise) it by 5%.
(eat) after the interruption.
(get) used to
(work) harder.
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