phúc nguyên | Chat Online
15/04/2024 12:37:12

It’s high time you (1 have) _the house (2 repaint) _ He (3 usually see) _ (4 walk) _with his niece in the park on Sundays

It’s high time you (1 have) _the house (2 repaint) _ He (3 usually see) _ (4 walk) _with his niece in the park on Sundays He (5 work) _in this office for 30 years by the time he (6 retire) _next October At that moment I (7 not know) _what (8 say) _ I was too shocked, you know Not until we (9 arrive) _at his house (10 we know) _that he was seriously ill By the time the police (11 get) _to their house, the burglar (12 disappear) _into the dark (13 Work) in the garden all day that day, my mother (14 be) _totally exhausted I can’t remember (15 meet) _this man His face (16 not look) _familiar to me at all I’d rather you (17 tell) _me what you (18 do) _over the last weeks I (19 hear) _the explosion while I (20 jog) _in the street
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