Gia Đức Anh | Chat Online
15/04/2024 22:24:06

Put the verbs given in the brackets into their appropriate tenses or forms

II. Put the verbs given in the brackets into their appropriate tenses or forms.
1. Famous places in Ha Noi (visit)_________ every year.
2. If I knew his number, I (phone)________________ him.
3. They (live) ________________in Lon Don for 8 years.
4. When I came back home yesterday, my brother (learn) ________________ English.
5. I can't afford (go) ____________ on holiday abroad this year.
III. Complete the sentences with appropriate form of the word in block capitals.
1. Vietnam’s New Year is ____known as the Lunar New Year or Tet in Vietnamese. OFFICE
2. There will be a _________________ of fresh water in a few decades.       SHORT
3. She looked _________ when she heard she failed the exams HAPPY
4. We should learn about keeping our environment __________ pollute
5. Casual clothes give students ________ of choice     FREE
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