Đức Nguyễn Minh | Chat Online
18/04 19:38:56

Choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Choose the best answer.
1. How many people are there in,
A you
B. your
B. ber
2. My jacket is on the chair.
C. yours
D. you're
is on the table.
3. Our school will
A. organize
B. take
silly mistake!
A. What
B. What a
C. bers
D. she's
the school festival next week.
C. rehearse
D. play
C. How
D. How a
B. happily
B. many
5. We are free now. Shall we go to our club's party?
A. Yes. I shall
B. Yes, we should
6. This is Linda's hat, and those shoes are,
A. our
B. bers
7. Of the two students, he is..
B. taller
8. When I saw your teacher this morning, I found that he looked very
A. happy
A. a
9. Come here. We have....
10. We try to make the future green by using vehicles or kinds of energy that are,
A environmentally friendly
C. environmentally friendship
B. environment friendly
D. environmental friendly
C. Yes, we go
D. Yes, let's
C. ber
D. their
C. the taller
D. the tallest
C. to be happy
D. being happy
C. a lot
good news for you and your family.
D. some
11. We will use more,
A. sun
12. What does "non-renewable"
A me
13. The teacher is
A doing
energy in the future.
C. solar
D. sunlight
B. means
C. meaning
D. meant
B. taking
a talk about how to save energy.
C. giving
D. making
B. entertain
C. entertainment
14. She's sure that they will find the film....
D. entertained
the images were frightening. Lan still liked the film so much.
A entertaining
A. In spite
16. You
A must-shouldn't
B. Despite
remember all the rules that you
B. should-must
17. I think that using biogas is abundant and....
B. polluting
A limited
C. Although
D. Nevertheless
break while driving
C. shouldn't-mustn't
D. should-would
C. cheap
D. exhaustible
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